How to reset your password
IMPORTANT: This is only for brand new payers. If you have logged into the system you can learn about adding additional users here
To start, navigate to the login page and click on RegistrationThis will take you to the screen shown below:
If you are filing for multiple programs choose all that apply in the program access section.

Once you have filled out the payer form in completion, click save in the bottom right hand corner. This will bring up the user registration form. This will be all the user specific info attached to your account, this account will become the admin for the payer you just have added.

After completing the user registration form, double check that all information in the payer form and user form are accurate and click submit the form. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure. If you are, you can click submit and it will redirect you back to the login page.
Depending on the program access field you filled out in the payer registration form, you can go to the corresponding site below and use your login you created in the user registration form. This login will work for ALL programs your payer has been signed up for.